Mindful Me... Reporting From The Seen
Lovely Person: "Hey! How's it going?"
Me: "Y'know. Same old, GOOD old!" :)
Lovely Person: "Hey! How's it going?"
Me: "Y'know. Same old, GOOD old!" :)
A mindful space where 'same old, same old' cannot exist. Well, that's my ultimate aim anyway. Want to know more about my twist on the familiar phrase? And why that 'Seen' above isn't a typo? Delve in, look around... Here's hoping you'll stick around.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
A mindful space where 'same old, same old' cannot exist... Now on YouTube!
Welcome to my channel, where I'll be harnessing the audio-visual power of YouTube to reach more people who happen to be into my ramblings!
See you there :)
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